Back to school for students of determination
We always generalize when we talk about the return to school, the preparations to be made, the forecast of expenses that the return to school will entail for the families, etc. But we leave the return to school of children with special needs in the dark, a return to the classroom that is somewhat different from that of the other children.
The return to school in special education centers is more complex, with needs and objectives related to the different disabilities, degrees of affectation, special circumstances of each child and family, etc. The concerns are similar to those of other families, but in few cases are they concerned about the weight of school bags, uniforms or textbooks to be used, it is a return to school that is hardly talked about and perhaps we should take it into account every year.
After Covid-19
This year may be even more difficult after the time they have been home. For 63% of these parents, the situation caused by the coronavirus will mean a setback in the inclusion of their children.
What will happen with their therapies, with their routines, with everything that makes them better day by day and not stay behind.
For any child with a disability, these specialized treatments are the opportunity to move forward. And its lack, a possible setback of serious consequences.
The horizon is very uncertain and, in the best of cases, children with disabilities would return to the classroom in September, like the rest of the schoolchildren. Half a year without school is too long for any child, but six months without a specialized job for one with special needs can be a drama.
Those children who need physical therapy to avoid adopting inappropriate postures, those who need sensory integration, such as those with autism spectrum disorder. Also, those who require a speech therapist to communicate or not to choke dangerously while eating. What will happen to all of them after six months of blanks? It is the parents who must make up for the good work of the professionals and the lack of other children who stimulate her at school. And that while they work or telework, they take care of the rest of the children and do the housework. It is not easy, and for many families it is almost unapproachable due to the characteristics of the child.
Remember that your child will be dealing with the stress of the ongoing crisis differently from you. Create a supportive and nurturing environment and respond positively to questions and expressions of their feelings. Show support and let your child know that it is not only okay, but normal, to feel frustrated or anxious at times like this.
Help your children to stick to their routines and make learning playful by incorporating it into everyday activities like cooking, family reading time or games. Another option could be joining a parent or community group to connect with other parents who are going through the same experience to share tips and get support.
We are aware there are a variety of services, programs and initiatives that are offered to people of determination by public and private rehabilitation and care centers in UAE. United Arab Emirates Government also extends care and support to help them overcome disabilities and play an effective role as productive members of society, and Jacco International is sustaining this effort.
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