Working remotely to prevent Coronavirus spread


We all know the difficult time we are going through. One of the measures that are being implemented in most of the countries is working remotely. This is only applicable to those lucky ones who can carry out their jobs from home.

A lot of people have already started their day at a distance and when they realize that it’s not as comfortable or easy as it sounds.

Here you are some tips to face this situation.

1.Implement a work routine.

Working from home presents a different set of challenges than working in an office. Distractions seem to be everywhere, and the lack of socializing with coworkers can make some people restless. It helps to establish a routine — and importantly, stick to it. Set aside specific hours to answer emails, make conference calls, have lunch and write reports. The next thing you know, you’re at-home workday will be over.

It also helps to designate a workspace in your home. When you’re in it, you’re in work mode — and not tempted to grab a snack or walk the dog when you feel fidgety.

2.Take off your pajamas.

It is a small trap for our brain. The symbolisms, such as the clothes we wear or the environment in which we develop telework, help us change the chip to make it easier for us to work.

3.Don’t forget your colleagues.

Just like when you work in the same space, communication with colleagues is also key at a distance to do your job well. It’s important that when it is carried out, the communication is clear and concise to avoid an excess of it that ends up weighing it down.


Your boss is not there with his office right behind you so that makes you manage the absence of pressure by your own. This can be challenging for you to choose what to do at any time and in what way.

5.Change the schedule for a plan

Following the previous point, the freedom offered by telework makes it a better strategy to decide on goals for each day instead of meeting a specific number of hours. Being locked up at home favors short breaks in exchange for greater flexibility, although there must be a certain limited margin for communication between you and your colleagues.

How to manage it with your children

It’s a difficult challenge that depends on many factors, such as the age of the children, the number of them or their level of dependency. You must always be able to attend to work and kids and know how to choose the priority.

The situation is imposed, which can generate frustration at staying at home. It’s important to be aware of the current situation and the decisions that must be made for this circumstance.