Why Operational Transparency is important?

At Jacco we believe that consulting is more than advising, that's why we want to give you a more specific idea, a full picture of what we do and how we work in the services we offer in our consulting and management department.
As children, we have always had to prove to our teachers or our parents that we have been working so operational transparency is exactly what it sounds like. Showing the customer how hard you are working for them.
Corporate social responsibility or transparency in a company is a voluntary action, beyond compliance with the laws, and therefore if it is decided to offer transparency it is important to do it in a serious, orderly and committed way through a strategic plan.
Through transparency, the company lets society know how it acts, opening the way to possible criticism or value judgments. The way of transparency is communication, so we must strengthen the company's communication system both internally and externally.
Internal Communication
It’s not about telling everything, but about reporting important events, whether they are achievements or defeats. Communication is the cure against the uncertainties of those who work with and for the company and helps create a comfortable working environment.
External communication
To achieve and give a sense of transparency, a link between internal communication and external communication is necessary, since nothing harms companies more than giving the sensation of having two faces.
Transparency in a company is synonymous with honesty, having nothing to hide, and people, both customers and workers and collaborators prefer to interact with honest and consistent companies.
We help our clients improve their results through the transformation of the business, starting from the strategic definition to the operational improvement, the redefinition of the processes or the digital transformation. For this, we have sector specialists and functional experts, to give a complete and adapted response to the needs of the organizations.